First Timer’s Guide to LED Lighting

LED lighting for home and décor seems to be the latest trend in interior decoration these days. LED lights earned this widespread popularity from being used as festive decorations over Christmas, New Year’s Eve and as indicators on appliances and torches.
The usage of LED as a light source apart from the above mentioned obsolete methods is only gaining popularity very slowly. However it has been proven that LED is the future of lighting; domestic as well as commercial and there has been seen a migration of people using LED as a mass lighting source.

Apart from the consumers, even manufacturers in the light industry are now finding it profitable to make LED lights and are avoiding investing in other lighting alternatives as CFLs. The big names of the lighting industry such as Philips have dedicated line of LED lighting solutions.
Not only is the production cost of LED lights less but they are also a viable option for production in terms of environment concerns as lights like CFLs have mercury vapor and thus possess a threat to the eco system. The resultant of this is that the demand and availability of these lights is increasing day by day.
The primary reason of the LED lights being so popular is because they used very little power as compared to the traditional light bulb so much so the power consumption of LED is nearly 98 per cent lesser than that of the incandescent lamp. Thus this leads to a huge slash in the monthly electricity bill and thus saving a lot of your money.
Another reason why LED lights are gaining fast popularity and are preferable among consumers is because they last very long as more than 3 decades and thus if you could do the math then you would know that the entire electricity bill paid for the bulb will equal its price. Thus the LED light is not only cheaper while you buy it but also pocket friendly for you for the rest of your life.
Not only this, but the LED is also very safe to be used in domestic purposes. As it is fire proof, and in spite of the fact that LEDs emit high amount of heat they do not burst out due to the heat resistant material they are made of. Thus the high on efficiency, reduced fire and burn risks, eco friendly and easy on pocket make LED a preferred choice for consumers.
LEDs do not only make a perfect alternative for lighting in your house but also prove to be highly efficient for display lighting as they do not possess any risk of catching fire due to excessive heating. LEDs also prove to be good in display lighting as they give a warm illumination and bright colors.
Thus LED spot lights are becoming a favorite for spots like book shelves, display units, the inside of cabinets, wardrobes, closets and cupboards. Since these light are fire proof thus being such contact to clothes and paper will not posses any threat.
Guest post by Naven, who contribute for Nice LED lights, where you can find largest selection of Peimar LED Tubes, LED bulbs, LED ceiling Lights etc.


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