Best Paint Program for Mac like MS Paint


If you are using mac computer then you will miss the paint program. I am going to give some awesome paint program for mac. These applications are free and easy to use.

Best Paint Program for Mac

This application is design for, It is very useful for children’s.You can draw models and draw lines by this application.It has very simple interface.

This program supports small screen like 640×480. It loads and saves images in thumbnails so, there is no need to have knowledge of operating system’s filesystem structure. You can download this software from here.


Some Important Tools Of Tuxpaint Are Here 
  1. Paint brush
  2. Rubber stamp
  3. Line tool
  4. Shape tool
  5. Text and Label tools
  6. ‘Magic’ (special effects) tool
It is free source application specially designed for Photoshop lovers it is same as Photoshop in windows but it works in mac platform. It is best for advanced editing.It has many buttons which is like Photoshop.This latest build –GimpShop 2.8.0 – represents over 17 years of development and collaboration.   The  GNU Image Manipulation Program (or G.I.M.P) is an Open Source program designed, maintained and supported by a team of international volunteers. YOU can download this software from here.

Some Best Features Of GimpShop 


  1. Pro-Level Photo Enhancing and Restoration tools
  2. Advanced Tool Settings
  3. Digital Image Retouching
  4. The Channel Mixer
  5. Import and Export
  6. cutting-edge techniques
by -James Thornton
“Clone of Microsoft Paint for Mac
If you were a Windows user back in the old days then chances are you’ll remember a drawing program called Paint, which came bundled with the OS. Although it was hardly the most sophisticated design tool around, the program was great for children to teach them about the basics of digital drawing. The Mac community has already had a few programs of this type, such as the now defunct MacPaint.
Paintbrush adds very little new to the genre and is pretty much a straight rip-off of MS Paint. That said, it’s primitive tools are great for producing smiley faces and houses in seconds, and it is fun to play around with if you’re feeling nostalgic. The fact that the program supports a range of different formats means it’s good for quickly creating and sharing pictures.”
So, this is clone of ms paint if u want program like ms paint in mac you can surly download it from here.


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