Everybody knows about adf.ly.If you don’t know about them .. kindly understand that adf.ly is the most used link shortening service that pay’s you.Yes you heard it right , it pay’s you to shorten your links.Adf.ly is the most trusted company for income.It pays you real , unlike other scam companies.Links are like frustrating when anyone has to wait for 4 seconds to see the masked link but still people use it as they are not free enough to work for no money so for the frustrating people you can bypass Adf.ly links using simple extensions.

People used to gain more clicks to their links when they used to share there links on facebook, but now as e all know facebook has banned Adf.ly and we are not able to share any links So now its really difficult for anyone teo share links on Facebook and make some money. Well we have a good way with which you can share your links on facebook.
- First mask your URL with Adf.ly.
- Copy the Adf.ly link and visit url2it.com and paste your Adf.ly link and press make url2it, to mask it again.
- Just share this URL on facebook that’s it now anyone who click on this converted url will get redirected to Adf.ly link that will again show that 5 seconds advertisement and hence you will make money.
This was a small tutorial but this can help you earn a lot of money by simply shortening your links.This method works like charm, if you face any problem using this trick just comment below so that I can resolve it.
This adf.ly with url2it works for one time or two time..after one or two again message occur that it was blocked